This Item Includes Dress, Gloves, Hat, Stockings, Tie Choker
Already took the family for a summer vacation this year? Here are 10 excuses for taking them on a Hawaiian Christmas vacation this December.
1. Hawaiian Christmas airfares are cheap compared to summer airfares. Hawaiian Airlines often runs Mele Kalikimaka specials for as little as $300 roundtrip from the West Coast. But you can be there for the Christmas fun and save even more if you go earlier in December. Hotwire.com and Hawaiian Air often offer rates as low as $175 to $225 (L.A. and San Francisco to Honolulu.
2. Honolulu City Lights: The city of Honolulu (including Waikiki) goes all out for Christmas. Beginning with the Kawaiahao Church Service (the first Christian church built in Hawaii), a spectacular electric light Parade and the lighting of the decorated 63-foot Norfolk Island pine in front of Honolulu Hale (City Hall). The Hilton Village and other Waikiki Beach hotels are all decked out too. And there's a special trolley for Honolulu Christmas light viewing.
3. Hawaiian Santa: Children greet Santa at Waikiki Beach where he arrives in his red canoe.
4. Hawaiian Christmas Ornaments: These are so much fun! My kids used to weave the coconut frond ones for our tree, and there are lots of free or small fee workshops at this time of year for all kinds of Hawaiian Christmas decorations and wreaths that you can bring home with you.
5. Hawaiian Christmas Craft Fairs: Music, good food and lots of beautiful and fun Christmas decorations are found at the craft fairs. I've lived in some pretty artsy places, and I've never seen so many Christmas craft listings as in Hawaii. Just think how delighted your family, friends and neighbors back home will be when they see your tree decorated with real Hawaiian local style ornaments like kukui nut, tapa cloth angels and Santa's on surfboards.
6. Hawaiian Christmas Concerts: Children's choirs and favorite local musicians like the Brothers Cazimero sing songs like "Here Comes Santa in a Red Canoe" and the Hawaiian version of "The 12 Days of Christmas." And then there's "Silent Night" sung in English and Hawaiian. Live music is everywhere at Christmas whether you've got tickets to the Honolulu Symphony or you're strolling through Waikiki!
7. Hawaii Sand, Surf and Snow: And where else but on the Big Island can you build a snow board down a mountain slope and snorkel over a coral reef in the same day?
8. Balmy December Weather: Hawaii's daytime temperature at Christmas time ranges from a "chilly" 68 degrees in the evening to 80 degrees in the daytime. The trade winds keep you nice and comfortable. The water's also inviting year round - - you can snorkel, swim, kayak and surf in nothing more than a bathing suit.
9. Whale Watching: Speaking of the water, here are two more great reasons for a Hawaiian Christmas. In December, the humpback whales return from their feeding grounds in Alaska to mate, give birth and frolic in Hawaii's warm waters.
10. Hawaii Surf Championships: And in December, you'll also be able to watch humans "frolic" in the really big surf on the North Shore as they ride two-story waves competing in the Triple Crown.
So there you have it. 10 good reasons and all the excuse you need to Christmas in Hawaii this year.
For more great reasons to Christmas in Hawaii and to learn how to start planning a super cheap (but packed full of fun) Christmas in Hawaii, surf over to http://www.coconutroads.com/hawaiibudgetvacation.html
Mele Kalikimaka!
Cindy Blankenship
Ghost hunting and paranormal investigations are becoming increasingly popular with amateur ghost hunters, in part due to the easy access of information on the internet and current television shows about hauntings. Since the spirit of Halloween revolves around the souls of the dead returning to earth to haunt the living, Halloween night is considering a "prime time" for hunting ghosts. It's an annual right of passage for both amateur and professional ghost hunters to be out in full gear that night.
Ghost Hunt - going to a location that may or may not be haunted and trying to capture them on film (video and/or photos). A graveyard late at night is the number one place to start.
Ghost Investigation - going to a known haunted place and recording data (video, photos, audio and temperatures), taking notes, interviews and other evidence to prove/disprove the haunting and existence of ghosts.
For many the quest is to seek out allegedly haunted locations, authenticate evidence of ghosts, do research and conduct investigations into paranormal activity. Among ghost hunters, some are also devotees of urban exploration, a growing hobby where enthusiasts venture into abandoned structures such as hospitals, asylums, and sanatoriums. The more experienced hunters investigate and document reports of ghosts, hauntings and paranormal activity; where as many of the amateur ghost hunters are just out to have fun.
The definition of a "haunting" is a recurring presence of a ghost, demon, or similar supernatural being at a specific place. Old houses, hotels, restaurants, pubs, prisons, cemeteries and graveyards are the most common haunted places. Belief in hauntings and ghosts spans the world and is recorded throughout history in legends and ghost stories.
There are five primary types of hauntings:
What better time of year than Halloween to check out some of the "hauntings" in your neck of the woods! Whether you're a more experienced paranormal investigator or just out for a night of ghost hunting, the souls of the dead are waiting for you on Halloween night. Good luck and happy haunting!
Anna Bradford is an author and blogger for Halloween Express where you'll find the absolute largest selection of Halloween costumes and costume accessories available anywhere. Halloween Express is the exclusive retailer for the Tom Arma line of Kids Costumes and Toddler Costumes.
Have you always wanted to create your own beaded ornaments but have little experience with bead work? Provided in this article are some simple tips that will help you create stunning and beautiful hand made beaded Christmas ornaments that will make your home more festive this holiday season.
If you have never made bead Christmas ornaments, you will first need to select either a pattern or a kit. There are many kits available that typically include the beads, needle, thread, glue and any other materials required to begin making bead Christmas ornaments. The next step is to assemble the proper tools.
Tools Needed for Your Hand Made Christmas Ornaments
Pliers are the most important tool for getting started in making your hand made bead Christmas ornaments. Important pliers that are used with bead making include Flat Nose Pliers, Round Nose Pliers, Chain Nose Pliers, Crimp Nose Pliers, and Split Ring Pliers.
Another tool you will need is a good pair of wire cutters. If you are making wire bead Christmas ornaments, then wire cutters are absolutely essential. When selecting wire cutters it is important to select the appropriate strength wire cutter for the wire that you will be using. Wire cutters come in both lightweight and heavy-duty strengths. Light weigh cutters will suit your basic needs for the beading wire you will be using.
Lastly, when making hand made Christmas Bead ornaments purchase bead needles. These needles come in a variety of sizes. Choose needles applicable to the project you are making.
Different Types of Hand Made Christmas Bead Ornaments
A simple bead ornament recommended for a young child to make may consist of little more than stringing "pony beads" or other suitable bead onto pipe cleaners. Children can simply place the beads on the pipe cleaners then twist them into various shapes such as bells, stars, candy canes, and Christmas trees.
Here is another way that you can create sparkling and beautiful hand made Christmas bead ornaments no experience required. First gather your supplies. These will include fabric paints (or other dimensional paint), small glass beads (or seed beads) satin finished ornaments, a small tray, and a small cup. First, sketch a simple shape on the ornament with the fabric paint. Ideas for shapes typically include simple snowflakes, trees, and stars, but ultimately the choice is up to you. Create your pattern as simple or as elaborate as you like. After you have drawn your design on the satin ornament with the fabric paint, hold the ornament over a small tray, and sprinkle the tiny beads over the ornament using a small cup. This is similar to projects where you apply glue and then sprinkle glitter over the glue. After your ornament finishes drying, you can hang it with a beautiful cord or complimentary satin ribbon.
It's as easy at that! So go ahead and gather your supplies and get started making your own personalized hand made Christmas ornaments for the holidays!
Rob Buenaventura invites you to Christmas Ornaments 4 U, a website focused on your Christmas Ornament needs. Find out how thousands of people have made their house more festive this holiday season with the perfect Christmas Ornament! For additional tips and ideas for homemade ornaments ideas, go to http://www.christmas-ornaments-4-u.com/homemade-christmas-ornaments.html
If Christmas is all about giving gifts nowadays, then why is gift giving so hard? We've had plenty of practice, plenty of time to prepare (after all, it is only one day out of the year) and plenty of time to listen to requests. So what is all the stress about? This should be easy. Giving gifts should be easy. Does it make you a bad person if it isn't? No no, on the contrary. It makes you normal. So how do we solve this problem? How do we prepare for this massive obligation we have forced on ourselves?
Start as Early as The Day After
In the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, there is a classic line where the Narrator says, "He hadn't stopped Christmas from coming, it came. Somehow or other, it came just the same." You see, if the Grinch couldn't stop Christmas, neither can you. It is inevitable. So, you might as well start shopping as soon as something catches your eye.
Do not think "Christmas is so far from here, I'll get the gift later." If something catches your attention, it is usually because you know that the person you are thinking of will like it. Buy it. If you do this constantly through the year, not only will you avoid the stress of shopping around holiday season, but it won't feel like you are clearing out your bank account. Also: you know that certain people's gifts are done, so your concentration can be elsewhere.
Be Aware of Sales.
Just because you see something that you know will be perfect, make sure you are getting the lowest price available. For example: Ugg boots are great as gifts for Christmas. But not many places mark down UGGs because they are so popular. This doesn't mean that there aren't bargains to be had. There are a few websites online that will ship for free and gift wrap for free. GREAT! One less stress on your mind.
If you are shopping throughout the whole year, then you have time to look for those sales. Especially on popular items that won't sell out quite as fast because everyone has them in stock right before Christmas. Therefore, there is less chance of it being gone when you go to purchase them.
The exception to this rule is when you are eyeing a unique item. If the item is unique, then buy it as soon as you feel it would be perfect for one of your friends, because the likely-hood of it being there next time is pretty slim.
Keep Organized
Keep tabs on who you've already covered. Sometimes it can be difficult to remember that you already bought someone their Christmas present. Make a list of people you would like to buy for and cross them off once you don't want to spend more money on them. Some people are harder to shop for than others, so keep them in mind when shopping. They may take more effort if things don't simply pop out at you from the shelves and scream their name.
It is understandably difficult to buy gifts for 25 people and try to get the gifts to them all on the same day. So make it easier. Shop early, end early and have yourself a stress-free merry little Christmas.
Visit http://www.WhatSheBuys.com for unusual gift ideas for all occasions. WhatSheBuys specializes in bringing you the best for her, for him and for child.
When you hear the words and the melody of "Happy Birthday to You," you know that there is a celebration, and someone is having a special day. Did you know that according to sources, the most widely sung tune in the world is the Happy Birthday song? It isn't a wonder, because birthdays are unofficial holidays that are always celebrated, and very seldom forgotten. What is the best way to tell someone you remembered his special day? You can send him a birthday card, of course!
In the United Kingdom, the British Broadcasting Corporation, or BBC, estimates that more than 1 billion pounds are spent on birthday cards every year. Of these statistics from a BBC report, about 55 cards are sent by the average person in the UK annually. Typically, one birthday card in the UK may retail for two pounds fifty to four pounds. Apart from buying birthday cards, various items in the UK are given to people on their special days, such as flowers, sweets, and many more.
Here is a short history on greeting cards and birthday cards: the very first greeting cards were hand painted about 200 years ago. They were very expensive to make, so only the rich people get to send them out. Plus, mail and parcel was not as easy to deliver because of limits to transportation.
Later on, when postage stamps were being used, more and more greeting cards were created, and they became less expensive. It was in 1850 when the first birthday card was created, and it was also of a handmade design. At the present time, birthday cards are made of various types of paper, with different designs and messages. You may now buy birthday cards on line and they are the fastest growing sector of the greeting card industry.
Just like in the United States, the best way to buy greetings cards is on line. There are some great web sites that offer a tremendous selection of greetings cards at great prices. It is no wonder that on line greetings cards are so popular.
About 2.2 billion cards are circulated in the UK every year. The British are said to buy about 320 million birthday cards annually, with more than 30 million anniversary cards and about 11 million wedding cards adding to the statistics.
More than a billion pounds are spent by citizens of the UK from the purchase of greeting cards and birthday cards alone. Greeting cards are the third biggest purchase in the UK, next to chocolates and cola. Birthdays are definitely occasions to celebrate, no matter where you are in the world. Thanks to birthday cards, you can always wish someone a great year ahead, even if you're not there for their party.
Andrew Gibson is MD of Greeting-Cards.com. It has thousands of free ecards to choose from for birthdays and all occasions. Many people now send free e-cards to celebrate birthdays and select them from thousands of free e-cards